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Libby Garvey endorses County Board candidate to succeed her, Apr. 23, 2024 at 9:45am

Libby Garvey on the left in a purple pant suit and Tenley to the right in a long red-orange one-shoulder dress and a red flower in her hair.
Tenley Peterson with Libby Garvey at Arlington Democrats' Blue Victory Dinner last weekend.

The sitting chair of the Arlington County Board and its longest-tenured member has endorsed her would-be successor.

Libby Garvey made her endorsement of Tenley Peterson official today, after hinting at it over the past few months. Former County Board member Christian Dorsey also announced his endorsement of Peterson.

“Having known Tenley over this past decade, I don’t exaggerate in saying that she lives to serve Arlington,” Dorsey said. “Her progressive values center on making sure the best of Arlington is available to all, and she has the talent and experience to make sure this is reflected in our government.”

Garvey — who is retiring at the end of the year — called Peterson “a rare gem” whose “style of working with everyone and generating consensus demonstrates her commitment to all of Arlington.”

A press release today touted endorsements from other former Board members, as well as Peterson’s community involvement and progressive bonafides.

In addition to Garvey and Dorsey, Peterson has received the endorsements of former County Board members Katie Cristol, Jay Fisette, and 35 current and former Arlington County Commissioners and Councilors.
Tenley Peterson is the current Vice Chair of Arlington County’s Planning Commission and the former Chair of the Fiscal Affairs Advisory Commission. Peterson is also an APS substitute teacher, mom of three, union member, and a communications professional. Peterson is a progressive Democrat who believes that a public servant’s number one responsibility is putting people first when making policy decisions. If elected, Peterson will bring experience, pragmatism, and kindness to the County Board to find solutions that work for all of Arlington.

Peterson faces Natalie Roy, JD Spain, Julie Farnam and James DeVita in the upcoming Democratic County Board primary, which will be conducted via ranked choice voting. Primary day is June 18, with in-person early voting starting on Friday, May 3.

Other candidates have also racked up endorsements, including from former County Board members. Among them are Roy (former County Board members John Vihstadt, Walter Tejada and Chris Zimmerman) and Spain (current County Board Vice-Chair Takis Karantonis and former County Board member and State Sen. Mary Whipple).

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